As noted yesterday, my muscari (grape hyacinth) are starting to mature nicely. I love the fact that foliage emerges from these bulbs in the Fall, then the little flowers come out in the Spring. They are great planted en masse.Sage and I bought and planted two new blueberry bushes, a Northland and a Patriot, which are hardy to zone 4. I didn't have the best of luck with the less-hardy Earliblue and Berkeley varieties, so I'm trying again, this time with a little more sun. We planted them with some peat/compost, then top-dressed them with a compost mulch.
Oops. I forgot that I was chilling seeds in my refrigerator (in a zip-lock bag in my crisper). I doubt the extended chill will hurt them (it was only a week or so extra). So today with my daughter's help I started anemone, columbine, campanula, snapdragons and hibiscus. I was very proud of my daughter (soon to be four): when I told her I was just pressing the little seeds into the top of the soil (rather than covering them), she asked: "is that because they need light?" Indeed, they need light to germinate.
Labeling disaster: somehow the label for my tomatoes fell out of their cells, and now I can't figure out which seedlings they are. I'm sure I'll recognize them at some point, hopefully before I eat the wrong plant.
We'll see how this goes: since the weather should be pretty temperate over the next week, I put my lobelia into my portable greenhouse/cold frame to harden them off. They are in two window boxes, which I will affix to my picket fence somehow, so that the plants drape over the top of the fence.
Today, David, Sage was in the garden with me. I asked her what the pretty blue flowers were, and she said, "grape hyacinth!" She knows her flowers.