Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It figures:  it rains heavily today, the day after I finally break down and water the garden (after a few weeks of no rain, but considering all the rain we had before that, I forwent, if that's a word).

I finally noticed some tomatoes on my tomato plants yesterday, as well as some more blossoms.  I have indeterminate ones, so they tend to bloom and fruit later anyway (as is the case with most heirloom varieties, which is what I planted).  No sign of late blight in my garden, probably because I don't know anyone in my urban-ish neighborhood who is veggie gardening, and so I haven't caught anyone else's spores.  Yet.

My pole beans are up, about an inch.  Spinach just poking through.

I have to plant some turnips in my raised bed soon.  Sage discovered she loved them yesterday evening, devouring them for a night-time snack, pretending to be a bunny.  (What four-year-old eats turnips for a snack?)

I bought and "planted" a small trellis yesterday to hide the rain barrel that I have yet to install.  It's a "one of these days..." project.  I plan to grow a clematis or two up it, even if it's in partial shade.  I may not get the best blooms, but I'll mostly grow it for the foliage anyway, and the blooms will be a pleasant extra.

I have a number of surprises in my garden this year:  lychnis that I forgot I had planted (from seed), some sunflowers that must have fallen from a bird feeder, and a few other plants that jumped from their original location.

The problem of over-abundance:  I now have ox-eye daisy seedlings all over the garden, which is soon going to be quite the nuisance.  I also plan on cutting back or eliminating my obedient plant (a misnomer if there ever was one) and some loosestrife.

Today's gardening embarrassment:  I finally figured out what my mystery flower was from a few weeks ago:  a coreopsis.  It's one of those plants I don't know well, despite its common nature.  I only realized it when I saw some other ones in bloom at Skillins.  Oops.

I've been filling out my parking strip with more variety, since it's mostly yarrow -- which is beautiful when it's in bloom, but then turns brown and unattractive.  I now have more coreopsis, a few nepetas, and some shasta daisies.


  1. Don’t feel bad, you are not the only one who watered your garden just before the rain. I did so too. Everything seemed so thirsty.

    I’ve been wanted to post a comment all season, but was unable to for some reason. I have since changed browsers and am trying again. Your garden pics are so beautiful. You have inspired me to rework my perennial gardens next year. I hope your tomatoes stay blight free.

  2. Thanks! I keep "reworking" my gardens too, so who knows what they'll look like next year.

  3. Hi - I've been reading your blog since the spring and am really enjoying it. I too am a Portland gardener and photographer. I'm getting started on a series of 'witty/fun' garden portraits and am wondering if you'd be a willing subject. You can view my photography at: www.alowphotography.com (although much of my work is different from this project.) If you're willing you can reach me through my website.
    And thanks again for all the great information/moral support you give through your blog!

  4. I thought of your parking strip garden the other day when I read the article by Tom Atwell in the Sunday Telegram about "esplanade gardening".
    Good read and keep up the perserverance!
