I've been home alone with my 5-year-old for the past week, so I haven't had much chance to get into the garden. Fortunately it didn't need watering, what with all the overdue rain we've had lately.
Today I got a break from childcare duties, so I spent a few hours catching up on the garden. I pulled up most of my grape hyacinth foliage, and replaced it with some blue-eyed verbena. Very pretty. I also realized my baby's breath was being crowded out by a lot of liatris along my front fence, so I moved my four plants to a bare spot on the sunny side of my peach tree. They are almost in bloom, so it's not the best time to move them, but let's hope I treated them with tlc. My neighbor gave me some morning glories she started, and I planted them so that they climb my grape vine and through my rose bushes. Finally, I staked my pepper and tomato plants.
My Sea-Foam roses have finally opened. After three years establishing themselves, they are repaying my efforts in many lovely white/pink blossoms. Wonderful.
A few days ago, I put in my order for Fall bulbs. I usually assess my Spring blooms as they come up, to see what holes in the garden need filling, so by the time the bulb catalogs come, I'm ready with my order. Here's what I'm looking forward to planting this Fall:
I didn't have the best of luck growing tete-a-tete narcissus in one spot in my garden, so this Fall I'm going to re-work the soil there and plant 50 iris reticulata (little guys).
I had one Blue Magic Dutch iris come up this year in my parking strip. I guess I planted more there, but I'm going to plant 100 of them underneath my front window.
50 Little Beauty tulips (a species tulip). I loved this year's blooms, but I only had 20 or so)
Around those tulips, I'll plant 100 allium ostrowskianum. Say that three times fast.
My allium spaerocephalum looked wonderful for a short while, so I'll plant 100 more in front of my window.
20 Red Impression Tulips (Darwin hybrids) to go along my front fence.
I love allium bulgaricum, and ordered 20 more.
Finally, I plan on planting three Bowl of Beauty herbacious peonies in various sunny blank spots in the garden. (Well, I'll have to make some blank spots.)